$95 We’re going to cover a lot of fun abstract techniques in this class- we’re also going to talk about things that hold you back in your art practice and how to get past them. There’s also a cool kit included with this workshop that’s mailed to you about a week before class. If you already have similar supplies there is a kit-free option also.
•Finding your “THING”
•Bringing your “A” Game
•Handling “the Voices”
•Making your art stand out
•Taking the next step
•Embedding objects successfully
•Using Pastes and Grounds for texture
•Painting LARGE
•Kit includes a cradled wood panel prepped with Black Gesso and Pastel Ground texture pattern, palette knife, mica discs, twig bundles, selections of badass handmade papers and some very unique collage elements, sanding block
Materials you’ll need:
Your acrylic paint set (I’m using GOLDEN Heavy Body, Fluid and Transparent High Flow)
Your favorite brushes (I’m using flats and brights)
Any gel medium (I’ll be demonstrating with many GOLDEN Gel Mediums Fluid, Soft, Regular and Heavy)
paper towels, water bucket
Any collage papers or elements you already have
Any pencils, pens or crayons you already have.
I don’t like to inundate students with huge material lists so whatever you have on hand will work. I’ll send the complete list of what I’ll be using for the demonstrations with registration confirmation/zoom link. See you soon!